My first day was May 4th, a Monday. I was so anxious Sunday night and that anxiousness carried over on my Monday morning drive to the Grand Hotel of Cape May where the MARS school is held each year.
I met Sue Engler, the model coordinator, in the lobby and she told me the schedule for the day. First thing was makeup with Deanna Carfagno(
Deanna was great to work with and shoots are always better when there's a makeup artist.
Vintage glam was the theme for the first day. I modeled for Lindsay Adler's fashion photography class, she is an absolutely amazing photographer and you all need to check out her work! (
The second half of the day took a colorful turn when Lindsay produced some holi powder
The powder felt cool on my face and it wasn't hard to remove but it does get everywhere. I think I still have some in the speaker on my phone, a colorful reminder of a fun day.
The second day I modeled at the school I spent the first half of the day modeling for Lindsay Adler's class and the second half of the day modeling as a bride for Ken Sklute's class.

That red dress was so gorgeous and dramatic. I had a couple of different dress "floofers" that morning, they threw the train of the dress so it would float in the wind. I had to make sure I was firmly grounded before being floofed or the weight of the dress would knock me over, it was powerful.
The second half of the day I modeled as a bride at the Southern Mansion. The Southern Mansion is absolutely gorgeous, the grounds are filled with pretty flowers and inside the mansion blew me away.
This was at the Grand Hotel before everyone went to the Mansion. I got to choose the gown I wore, all of the gowns were beautiful but I wanted a frou-frouy one. The back of the dress had great details
Relaxing on the porch of the Southern Mansion
I did not want to leave this room, it was absolutely gorgeous. I stayed there for quite a long time with three photographers and I would love to stay for a weekend at the Southern Mansion.
I had a blast modeling at MARS and would love to do it next year. I met so many talented and nice people there, especially Sue Engler who was so nice and made sure all the models were taken care of.
More photos can be found on my page